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- How does it work against tooth sensitivity? During clinical trial experiments on more than 2,000 patients, an excellent improvement in the pain of people suffering from tooth sensitivity was noted. Upon thinking about the cause of this benefit, it was discovered that the layer of minerals created in the tooth enamel was dense enough to cover the dentinal tubes, which are the access channels for hot and cold food to reach the tooth's nerve, causing pain.

Unlike other foreign gels with regeneration characteristics available on the market, the Refix technology developed by the researching Dentist, master and Doctor Fabiano Evângelista, in partnership with Dentalclean, has a formulation developed in Brazil, and studied based on the consumption habits of Brazilians.

- How does the Regenerating Gel work? Caries start with the weakening of the tooth enamel, caused by the demineralization resulting from the acid attack generated by food ingestions, especially sweets. Refix technology has the exact ionized minerals, which, in contact with saliva during brushing, regenerates the mineral layer lost after feeding.

– ¿Y cómo funciona contra la sensibilidad dental?
Durante los experimentos del estudio clínico en más de 2.000 pacientes, se percibió una mejora excelente en los dolores de personas que sufrían de sensibilidad dental. Al profundizar en la causa de este beneficio, se descubrió que la capa de minerales creada en el esmalte del diente era lo suficientemente densa como para tapar los tubos dentinarios, que son los canales de acceso para que los alimentos calientes y fríos lleguen al nervio del diente, causando el dolor.

- When can I use the regenerating gel?
Every day! Have an innovative, Brazilian product with you every day that will keep you away from the development of cavities and tooth sensitivity!

Aesthetic / Perio Surgery / Implantodontia Other treatments
Elimination of halitosis plaques Deep cleaning Anticariogenic